What Is Pickleball? (And Why Is Everyone Obsessed?)

What Is Pickleball? (And Why Is Everyone Obsessed?)

Warning: Reading this may result in an uncontrollable urge to buy a paddle and challenge your entire neighbourhood.

Pickleball: The Sport That Came Out of Nowhere (But Took Over the World).

If you haven’t heard of pickleball by now, you either:

  1. live under a rock;
  2. still think it’s a weird snack;
  3. haven’t had your neighbour corner you at a BBQ to tell you about their elite pickleball skills.

This sport is literally everywhere... from backyards to billionaires’ private courts. LeBron James, Tom Brady and half of Hollywood are playing... and your retired aunt Linda is suddenly a pro athlete.

But what the heck IS pickleball? And why is everyone from Gen Z to Boomers obsessed?

Let’s break it down.

What Is Pickleball?

Pickleball is if tennis, ping pong and badminton had a baby - but that baby was easier to play, didn’t require as much running and instantly became America’s fastest-growing sport.

It’s played on a small court (1/3 the size of a tennis court), with a plastic wiffle-style ball and a paddle that looks like a giant ping pong paddle.


  • Less running than tennis.
  • More action than ping pong.
  • More fun than… literally any other sport you’ve tried.

It’s easy to learn, highly addictive and can turn casual family gatherings into savage rivalries faster than you can say... “Let’s play one more game.”

Pickleball Rules: The 60-Second Breakdown.

The Court: Like a mini tennis court, but with a 7-foot “No-Slam Zone” (The Kitchen) to prevent chaos.

The Equipment: A pickleball paddle (bigger than a ping pong paddle, smaller than a tennis racket) and a lightweight, hole-filled plastic ball (so you don’t send it into orbit).

The Rules:

  • Serve underhand (no wild tennis-style smashes).
  • The ball must bounce once before volleys (a.k.a. no instant smashing).
  • Stay out of "The Kitchen" (it’s a literal rule, not a snack break).
  • First to 11 points wins (unless your opponent demands a rematch).

Why Is Pickleball So Popular?

Pickleball is blowing up... and for good reason.

A stunning outdoor pickleball court in Joshua Tree, California, surrounded by desert landscapes and a vibrant sunset. As pickleball grows in popularity in 2025, unique courts like this highlight the sport’s rapid expansion to scenic locations worldwide.Here’s why:

Easy to Learn, Hard to Master – You’ll be playing in 10 minutes. But good luck beating a 75-year-old named Carol who’s been playing since 2015.

Less Running, More Fun – Tennis is great, but pickleball lets you actually breathe while you play.

Social & Competitive – Great for casual games… but also perfect for holding lifelong grudges against your best friends.

Perfect for All Ages – From kids to grandparents, everyone can play. (And yes, some retirees will absolutely crush you.)

Played Literally Everywhere – Driveways, gyms, backyards, tennis courts - if you have a net and a paddle, you have a court.

The Kitchen Rule: Pickleball’s Most Confusing Rule.

No, the Kitchen isn’t where you grab a snack between points...

It’s the 7-foot non-volley zone on both sides of the net. The rule? You can’t step in and smash the ball mid-air.

Why? So people can’t just camp at the net and obliterate their opponents.

Want all the sneaky Kitchen strategies? Read our full guide on The Kitchen in Pickleball here.

The Verdict: Should You Try Pickleball?

Do you like winning, having fun and not needing an oxygen tank after 30 minutes of play? Then yes.

Pickleball is taking over and if you haven’t tried it yet, you’re missing out. Whether you want a fun social game, a competitive workout, or just an excuse to talk trash to your friends, pickleball has something for everyone.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a Nilk paddle, find a court and get ready to be hooked for life. (no, seriously!)

👉 Want to play? Find the best pickleball courts near you here!