Introduction: The Rules Keep You From Chaos.
Pickleball is like the love child of tennis, ping pong and badminton . . . but with a lot more shouting and accidental paddle-to-body collisions. And if you don’t know the rules, you’ll either break them (a lot) or get schooled by a retiree who’s been playing since before you were born . . . yes really!
So, let’s break down the most important pickleball rules . . . the ones that will save you from complete and utter embarrassment on the court.
Ready . . . ? Let’s go!
1. The Serve: No, You Can’t Just Smash It.
The serve in pickleball isn’t an opportunity for you to flex your tennis muscles. There are actual rules:
✔ Underhand only: You must serve underhand, paddle below your waist. No overhand missile serves allowed (you are not Novak Djokovic).
✔ One foot behind the line: Keep one foot behind the baseline when serving. No stepping over like a major league baseball pitcher.
✔ Diagonal serve only: Your serve must land in the diagonal service box. Otherwise, you just gifted your opponent a free point (and major bragging rights).
✔ One chance only: No second serves. This isn’t tennis, my friend.
Pro Tip: A deep, low serve forces your opponent back and gives you control of the rally. Don’t just tap it over - make it count!

2. The Double Bounce Rule (a.k.a. Why You Must Chill Out)
One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is forgetting about the Double Bounce Rule:
- The ball MUST bounce once on each side before anyone can volley (hit it out of the air).
- No smashing at the net right after the serve (we see you, overenthusiastic tennis converts).
- Once both bounces happen, you’re free to volley, dink or go full attack mode.
Pro Tip: Use this time to position yourself smartly instead of charging the net like you're Tom Brady.
3. The Kitchen Rule: No Cooking Up Trouble.
The Non-Volley Zone, better known as The Kitchen, is where dreams of aggressive smashes go to die. Here’s what you need to know:
✖ No volleying (hitting out of the air) if ANY part of you is touching the kitchen.
✖ No paddle, no hat, no rogue shoelace - NOTHING can be in the kitchen if you’re volleying.
✖ Yes, you can step into the kitchen AFTER the ball bounces.
Pro Tip: Master the dink game in the kitchen . . . it’s how the best players win rallies. Simples.
4. What Do You Play To in Pickleball? (a.k.a. When Does This Game End?)
Pickleball scoring can feel like advanced calculus if you’re new so here's how it works (no PhD necessary):
✔ Standard games are played to 11 points, win by 2.
✔ In tournament play, some games go to 15 or 21, but you STILL have to win by 2.
✔ Only the serving team can score points.
✔ You must call out the score before serving: Your score - Opponent’s score - Server number* (1 or 2).
Yes, people will mess up calling the score, and yes, it will cause 'minor' arguments.
* Wait rewind, what’s the Server Number Thing?
Well in doubles, each team gets two serving turns before a side-out.
Confused? Don't sweat, here’s an explanation in layman's terms:
- The first player (Server 1) serves. If they win the rally, they continue serving.
- If Server 1 loses the rally, the serve passes to their partner (Server 2).
- If Server 2 also loses, the serve switches to the opposing team (side-out).
In singles, there's only one server, so no need to worry about numbers (phew!)
Pro tip: If in doubt, just yell numbers with confidence. 80% of people won’t question you.
5. Faults: What NOT to Do.
If you do any of these, congratulations - you just lost the rally:
✖ Volley in the kitchen – Instant fault. No exceptions.
✖ Hit the ball out of bounds – If the ball doesn’t land inside the lines, you’re out.
✖ Serve into the net or wrong box – Nope, no free redo. Your turn is over.
✖ Double bounce on one side – The ball can only bounce once per side.
✖ Hitting the ball before it bounces on a serve or return – We literally JUST covered this . . . remember? (Revisit point 2. with a vanilla oat latte in hand if not).
Pro tip: Stay calm, follow the rules and don’t argue every call like it’s the finals of the US Open.
Final Thoughts: Play by the Rules & Dominate the Court.
Pickleball is fast, fun and disgustingly addictive - but only if you actually follow the rules. Now that you know them, you’re less likely to embarrass yourself and more likely to win games (and respect!)
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